2025 Annual Council Meeting

2024 Annual Council Meeting
DBE Kansas held its Annual Council Meeting (ACM) on March 16. The business meeting featured years of service pins being given to Lynette Chastain LNA and Danielle Janning SH for 5 years of service (Danielle was not present) and Lynne Chase BoH and Jessica Bond LNA for 10 years of service. Outgoing officers were thanked and new officers were asked to fulfill their duties. Also, votes were taken for the proposed amendments to the Bylaws and Standing Rule, as well as, state delegates and alternates to the NCM. Lunch was served by Johnny Cascone's restaurant.
We also bid farewell to State Board President Jackie Megee and welcomed our new State Board President, Lynette Chastain at the meeting. Jackie provided DBE Kansas with outstanding service during her time as President including navigating the State Board through Covid. Everyone in attendance showed Jackie gratitude as she stepped down and welcomed Lynette in her new role.
Several raffle baskets were also given out to winners whose names were drawn! Each basket was unique and held plenty of goodies! The winners were thrilled to be chosen to take them home.

Years of Service Pins, Reports Given, and Outgoing/New Officers

Bidding farewell to State Board President Jackie Megee and Welcoming Our New State Board President, Lynette Chastain

2024 Raffle Basket Winners