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Chapter Officers and Their Duties



The executive powers of the Chapter are vested in the Regent. She shall preside at Chapter meetings and have the power to call special meetings of the Chapter. She shall be conversant with all governing documents. She shall serve as the 1st Chapter Delegate to the State Board. She shall appoint and be ex officio a voting member of all Chapter committees except the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee. With the advice and consent of the remaining Officers, she shall fill vacancies occurring in any office. She shall perform all other duties incident to this office.




She shall perform the duties of the Regent during her absence or inability to act and, in the event of the death or resignation of the Regent, shall automatically succeed as Regent. Then, with the advice and consent of the remaining Officers, she shall appoint a new Vice-Regent. She shall perform all other duties incident to this office.


Recording Secretary


She shall keep a permanent record of all Chapter proceedings. She shall send copies of the monthly Chapter minutes to the Chapter members, State President, State Recording Secretary, State Organizer, and others as deemed appropriate. She shall present the Annual Report of the Chapter at the Chapter’s Annual Meeting. She shall keep the supply of Chapter stationery and perform all other duties incident to this office.


Corresponding Secretary


She shall handle official correspondence on behalf of the Chapter and perform all other duties incident to this office.




She shall receive and deposit all monies and pay all bills in the name of the Chapter, keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures, and present a monthly financial report to the Chapter. She shall keep a current record of Chapter members and include total membership numbers in her monthly report. She shall forward, as required, annual membership dues and donations for the District Home (if one exists) to the State Treasurer. She shall forward other donations directly to the Chapter’s selected 501(c)(3) charities. She shall complete a State Fundraising Statement if required. She shall make the complete financial records available to the Audit Committee during the month of January and shall not serve on the Audit Committee. She shall present an Annual Financial Report, approved by the Audit Committee, at the Chapter Annual Meeting and send a copy to the State Treasurer by February 15th. She shall order supplies requiring payment from the State Treasurer and perform all other duties incident to this office. 




She shall maintain a current scrapbook and perform all other duties incident to this office.

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Please note: We like to take lots of photos at our DBE events. Some photos may be posted to our social media, to our website, or appear in other publications. If you would prefer not to be photographed, please excuse yourself from any group shots.

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