1 She could take apart and reassemble a car engine due to training as a mechanic in the Second World War when she was a Princess.
2 She also learned to ride a motorcycle in WWII.
3 She didn't have a passport. British passports are issued in the name of the monarch making her exempt.
4 She didn't have a driver's license either for the same reason.
5 Could she vote in political matters in the UK? She could, technically, but she never did.
6 Even though she employed over 1200 people, she insisted she fed her own dogs.
7 She spoke fluent French
8 When Princess Elizabeth married Prince Phillip, the official wedding cake was made by McVitie and Price Ltd., using ingredients given as a wedding gift by Australian Girl Guides. It weighed 500 pounds.
9 She sent her first e-mail in 1976 from a British Army base while visiting the Ministry of Defence's scientific research hub titled the Royal Signals and Research Establishment.
10 During her reign, there were 14 US presidents, 15 British Prime Ministers, 7 Roman Catholic popes, and 7 Archbishops of Canterbury.